It's been a LONG week...seems like I get less done with the girls home...I actually enjoy it...my time with them was so limited over the past year...it's nice to be able to make up for it just even a little bit.
Anyhow...our week started with celebrating my youngest, my baby, turning into a full fledged preschooler...I was SO not ready!! I can't believe it has been four years since my littlest joined our family...time has flown...it reminds me I have limited time with my girls and I should make the best of what time I have. She is such a third child...adventurous, full of energy, hard to contain...she is also beautiful, brilliant, difficult and oh so loving. She is the one that from day one I was afraid I wouldn't have her as long as I should...maybe I shouldn't write that...but her spirit is SO bright I am always afraid it will burn out before I think it should. I love her so deeply it hurts sometimes!
Next was my bday...I didn't want to do much for my bady...eating at my favorite restaurant for dinner and to be left alone to read all day...literally ALL day. Miss Sassy was very confused about this...she is not a reader...she came into my room about 2pm and asked "aren't you going to stop reading and get out of bed?" NOPE! I got through two books in the Queen of Babble series...it was such a nice birthday. As a bonus our pool finished filling up and the guy came to put in all the chemicals to make it swimmable(is that a word?)!!! I complained endlessly about my pool construction...but really I was just bitching to bitch...they only took 8 weeks and it is AMAZING!!
The day after my bday was my Grandmother's...she passed away almost four years ago...I thought I was ready to blog about her but that is really gonna have to wait for another day...she is too special not to take the time to word it all right. However the older girls and I spent the day shopping and spending money...Grandmother would have been pleased knowing her great granddaughters were being spoiled on her bday.
Yesterday would have been my brother-in-laws bday...he would have been 40...we all miss him so badly as well. My kids have had to learn too early in life that it is all temporary...we are here for a limited time...we should make the best of it and be grateful for everyday...even when the days are too painful to imagine.
And the rest of our week has been revolving around our new toy...the pool! I have already found that it can be a very useful tool, motivator, to get the small children to do as they are asked. It's GREAT!!!