Saturday, March 15, 2008

Did I mention....?

Have I mentioned yet how much I despise laundry? Wait, let me add to that...have I mentioned yet how much I hate cleaning....anything? Don't get me wrong I love things to be clean...I just find myself incapable to making such things happen in my house unless of course a guest is coming over then there is the 24 hours straight of cleaning to make house presentable.

I blame this all on my mother, please note that I no longer speak to my mother for a variety of reasons, the main reason being she is CRAZY! But past being crazy she is OCD, when I was lived at home everything was meticulous...oh, don't think it's because she did it, oh no, the minute I turned 12 all cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing and general household upkeep became my job, but really I am not spiteful about this I promise! Anyhow, everything had a place, knick knacks had a precise placement, chairs had to be lined exactly the "right" way, the towels had to be folded and lined up properly, because well you never know when someone might show up at our door and want to buy our house, wouldn't want the linen closet to look out of whack...btw, actual words out of my mother's mouth, just the tip of the iceberg for CRAZY!! I used to take great joy in walking through the living room moving knick knacks just a half an inch to watch her come through later and fix every last one....hell, that still makes me laugh!

Back to blaming my mother, see I figure after spending 18 years living in the repression that was my house I had two options when I moved out...continue to be OCD like her or let everything go to hell in a handbasket. Needless to say I chose the hell in a handbasket, which at first was not a big deal, only me in my apartment, cleaning was a snap when it needed to be done. Then hubby moved in, I acquired his laundry because see he was on Orientation Team, the people who show all the newbies at college around the campus, help them sign up of classes, etc. How could he be expected to handle his laundry, there was no free good girlfriend, at the time, that I was I helped. Then came along Miss Know It All, why didn't anyone tell me that such small little creatures could create so much filth and clothing to wash! Then came Miss Sassy, or should I say Miss I Need to Change Clothes TEN Times a Day and Then I Will Throw Them on the Floor and Never Pick Them Up....UGH! Last we added Lil Miss Drama....she currently lives in dress up clothing, that she feels need to have a smattering of yogurt or pudding added to on a daily basis, and of course you can't put dress up in the dryer! Then there are all the toys that come with before mentioned children, I want to scream!! Oh yeah, not to mention the two cats and one very fluffy, furry dog. And you people wonder why I don't want to clean!!!

So now, back to the laundry, did I mention I hate laundry? I currently can't see my bathroom floor, the bottom of the stairs and the girls bathroom floor is disappearing fast. Yesterday I figured since I was stuck at home with a sick child again I would make use of the time and yes, DO laundry, BLAH!! So I did, got quite a few loads done, folded neatly, because see I do still believe in folding neatly, especially the towels because you never know when someone might need to look in my linen closet, not that they could open it past all the shit sitting in front of it, but really if they do manage to open it, it should look neat!

Anyhow, as I was sorting said laundry yesterday while talking on the phone to Karen I became VERY excited....the damn check card I lost last week was found, in a pair on tan capris that I wore 11 days before. Why do I know this, because also in those pants were two screws from the huge spiderweb prop that Miss Sassy's dance team uses that I helped take out of the prop truck on March 3rd! Yes, I know it's not right that those pants have sat dirty on the floor of my bathroom for 11 days, just don't ask what else is buried under them! Put it this way one year for his bday hubby asked for 20 pairs of new boxers....that should tell you way more information than you ever needed to know about me....and I will leave it at that!


Scott-N-Heather said...

perhaps you could train hubby? I do the laundry, put them in dryer, then put them in basket. he folds. if he waits, the pile gets higher and higher. Just a thought. LOL

Drama said...

Oh, no, let me clarify, especially since hubby reads this blog from time to time...he does do laundry, when it gets to the point of no return! Currently we have about another week before that happens, I am trying to get ahead of the game and make him at least a little happy with me!

Karen said...

Remember my load a day idea? Went great until I had 2 loads of the girls clean in baskets, which are currently on top of the washer and dryer. I insist they help fold and put away, and well... yeah, I'm with you on the hating laundry!