Tuesday, February 26, 2008

"Did you look in the mirror?"

I need help!! I need advice!! Someone...anyone?

How do you teach a 10 year old girl fashion sense? I am not talking about off the runway fashion sense....I am talking you cannot wear two different plaids together fashion sense. Now I am definitely not a fashionista, I leave that to my 8 year old, sadly she made black fishnets and high boots look so cute I couldn't deny letting her go to school even knowing that every mother in the place was talking about what a terrible example I was setting. Anyways, back on topic...I love that my girls are unique individuals, but there is a difference between unique and just blatantly not getting it!!

I love my oldest, Miss Know It All, she is brilliant and beautiful and loves being the top of the class...do you see where this is going? I never want her to feel bad about herself but I know that once she gets to middle school dressing like that will get her on the short end of some really cruel jokes. I am at the end of my rope, maybe if she doesn't care I shouldn't care....well, it's a theory, just one I can't seem to embrace!

She doesn't like to shop, she only likes "comfortable" clothes, lives in her Converse (especially the ones that match nothing) and hates to style her hair.....really sounds like a dream huh? Except I am not ready to deal with the aftermath! I never wanted her to be that kids that HAD to have the name brand everything, I wanted her to be natural and self assured....oh hell, maybe I did too good of a job...now what??


Karen said...

Can't really help, only commiserate. I try to let Bre pick for herself, but we buy clothes as outfits. Luckily it's easier to wear the same shirt she always wears instead of trying to mix and match.

Anonymous said...

I do know that I have found myself in awe of what some people on TV wear. Men with suits, shirts, ties and there are stripes going every direction. Reminds me of a test pattern. MY EYES!!! Embrace her originality and independence. Traits that make great peeps in life. Of course, I say this now. Check back with me in about 10 years. I may have changed my tune. I'm all for dressing for comfort. That trendy junk is way uncomfortable. IMO
