Friday, August 22, 2008

So out of the loop!!!!

So today I see this headline 'Miley Cyrus' black-sheep brother has a band'...well I am about over this girls are over her too...way over her...thank the Lord...but I feel compelled to lead me here....!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her brother sings Shake It...WHAT? That is craziness I tell you! It is one of those songs on the radio that just gets stuck in my head...maybe it's the beat, maybe it's the fact that it reminds me a bit of The Cure...anyone who knows me knows I at one point wanted to marry Robert Smith! It is a boppy little song with just a hit of emoism(yes I know this is not a word but I am still using it) and whining! I am sure they will be a one hit wonder but for now I will just enjoy the song even more knowing that is what is going to become of Miley...she is gonna go to the dark side...maybe I won't hate her nearly as much!

It is amazing the little things that can make my day! :)

For your listening/viewing pleasure...


Anonymous said...

Remember the song from the 80's: ROCK THE CASBA?? I can't remember who in the hell sang it, but this freaking SHAKE song reminds me of it...

Christy said...

That's what I think about "Shake it", same reasoning!

It is one of my fave new running songs on the IPod.